Friday, May 1, 2009

Experimental Film

In my film class the last project we had to do was an individual experimental film on a subject that we randomly drew out of a hat. My subject ended up being trust and then the hard part began. I had to sit and think and think and sit until I finally began coming up with some useable ideas. My first idea was tobacco, like the warnings on the side of cigarette packages and maybe running of shot of that parallel to a shot of a Truth anti-tobacco commercial (the one with the little fake babies crawling around, we've all seen it) and creating a picture in picture effect. I also thought of politicians, past and present, who i deemed as trustworthy and untrustworthy. I put a shot of George W. Bush (trustworthy) and Adolf Hitler (untrustworthy) running parallel to each other. After thinking for a long while I thought of one of the most base reactions of every American's day: driving. Every day millions of Americans climb into their cars and give little thought to the fact that they are literally putting their life in a complete stranger's hands. To show this I put a shot of cars driving down Kings Highway paralleled to a shot of car's parked down on Greek Row. Another thing I thought of was the church. I thought of how at one point in history the only thing that people could trust was the church and now people are increasingly cynical about the church. To show this I did a picture in picture shot of an open Bible and a crucifix inside of a church. I ended up getting a B on the project which was not as good as I expected but still pretty good and I was happy with the grade.

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