Monday, March 16, 2009

Robin Wiliiams Review

On Robin Williams' latest tour he danced and pranced on stage blurting out his usual profanity laced and laugh-out-loud hilarious stand-up comedy. On this particular night Williams poked fun at everything from the latest Presidential Election to hurricanes and how they always tend to "pick on" the city of New Orleans. Williams latest material seemed to throw back to his earlier days in the 1980's and this seemed to fit the audience just fine. Williams, who is 57 years of age, seemed to act more like a 21 year old and with his energy and constant smile one could not help but allow themselves to be taken away from the real world and enjoy the simple humor that one man can find in everyday things. I believe that Williams tour is a must-see for anyone who believes that anything must be taken seriously. Robin Williams will gladly challenge that assumption about life.